Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ruby/Mac/Growl: SVN new revision notifier

I would like to show you really nice and helpful notification script.
I use it to notify me of new SVN revision, but it can be easily modified and use in some different way.

Here come the script:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby     

while true do
  tmp = `svn st -u | grep '*' | cut -c 21-`
  tmp2 = tmp.split("\n")
  tmp3 = `pwd`
  tmp3 = tmp3.split('/').last
  tmp3.gsub!("\n", "")

  if tmp2.size > 0
    message = "'#{tmp.gsub("\n", " ")}' #{tmp2.size.to_s} new files in #{tmp3}"
    system "growlnotify -n check_svn -m #{message} --image ./worms.png"
    puts message

  puts'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

So, how it works?
Every 60 seconds we run svn up -u command and if there's something new in repository, we print a list of new files using growlnotify (from Growl package -
That's all :)

The console output:

... and worm icon:

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